The Correct Age to get Married


We live in times where everything is a perfect example of symbiotic relationship. If you give your 100%, you can expect favorable returns. Everybody is so competitive nowadays that you cannot discriminate them on the basis of their gender alone.

Our society has always been male dominated. Males are the bread winners,the protectors and the caretakers while women are designated as the homemakers, child bearers and nourishers. We cannot deny responsibilities bestowed on us by Nature. But today women equally participate in work away from home,in paying bills and bearing equal responsibilities with men. With an extra crux, an essential aspect of our existence is losing its charm- Marriage.

I’m not saying that marriage is wrong and not necessary. But with women stepping out of their households and joining every sphere of life, marriage is losing its importance. Youth are more career oriented today and often find themselves in a dilemma when it comes to settling down in terms of marriage. Even couples in a romantic relationship prefer living in together rather than getting married. Not to disrespect anyone’s sentiments,I’m utterly aghasted by the entire concept of maeriage and till now not able to discern when exactly should we get married ?

Some people say they want to get married once they et settled and start earning. But do you really think its feasible then ? I mean you have a new job,new responsibilities and slightest mistake can cause a setback to your career. A point where utmost attention is required you cannot afford a distraction back home. Some people say marrying earlier in age is beneficial especially for girls. Excuse me ! I mean how is that relevant. We know our cycles and come on marrying late won’t cause us to menopause. I agree there are complications of marrying later in life but then what medical science is for !

Again some people advise to get married when boys start behaving weirdly at home and girls start spending more time on their cell phones ! I know this one was hilarious but is true. But our Indian society interprets frustration or relationships as sound of wedding bells. The debate goes on with boys ideal age being 30 years and girls age not exceeding 25.

But do you really think age,intellect,educational qualification or financial status are the parameters to discern ideal age for marriage ?

I think one should go for it when you actually “feel” you’re ready for it. People have high expectations of their going-to-be spouses. Some want rich husband others want beautiful wife, some expect highly qualified husband others ant a timid and quiet homemaker. But do we really ponder upon the fact that are we really the person whom others would want ? Why not try making yourself eligible for choice first rather than being so demanding. Looking for “right” person is OK but being the right person is unheard of.

So rather than debating with yourself whether to get married or not try asking yourself ” am I the type of person I would myself want to get married to” and you will know.

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A Dental Surgeon, published Author, mental health advocate and a Cyber Security enthusiast who loves to spread smiles both professionally and through her words.

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